Donate to The Arc of Hilo

The Arc of Hilo is a Guidestar Gold recognized 501c (3) nonprofit with a mission since 1954 to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities.  We provide a Day Program for adults, Community Inclusion activities, Supported Employment, and a Youth in Transition Career Exploration Program (CEP) for high school students with special needs. We are the largest employer of adults with disabilities in east Hawai’i County.

WE COULD NOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU.  Your support helps prevent isolation for seniors with disabilities; hopelessness for youth with special needs in transition from high school; and joblessness for adults with disabilities who may fall into homelessness and drug use.  Your donations prove that you believe every individual has hiki palena ‘ole! (Unlimited Potential!)

More Ways to Support The Arc of Hilo

Business Partnering – “Adopt The Arc”

The Arc of Hilo welcomes businesses and other companies to assist in The Arc of Hilo's fundraising efforts by becoming "partners". By "adopting" The Arc of Hilo, businesses or companies pledge a certain percentage of their sales, revenues or other measurements as a donation to The Arc of Hilo. The Arc of Hilo in turn allows the business or company to use The Arc of Hilo's name in its advertising noting it supports The Arc as a human services organization. The Arc of Hilo can provide listings in programs and other material of such partners.

For more information or assistance please contact us at 808-935-8535, extension 200.

Living Legacy

The Arc of Hilo receives annual support from individuals, governmental agencies, and foundations. As the economy changes for Hawai‘i so do these sources of support creating a need to develop alternative sources of income. Legacy gifts from individual donors through wills and trusts are good options. You may include a donation to The Arc of Hilo in your will, trust or estate plan. Speak to your attorney about the simple step of adding a codicil to name The Arc of Hilo as a beneficiary. Designating The Arc of Hilo as a beneficiary under a retirement/401(k) plan or an insurance policy would have a lasting impact.

For more information or assistance please contact us at 808-935-8535, extension 200.

Volunteer Opportunities:

You may volunteer your services to help in many ways including:

  • Assisting with the day-to-day activities with clients and their programs
  • Assisting with fundraising events or advocacy efforts
  • Arranging work parties to paint and/or repair the facilities, especially through your civic organizations

If you are interested in volunteering to assist in the day-to-day activities of the clients, with help from our Human Resources Department, you must be able to:

  • Obtain a criminal clearance from the State of Hawai`i
  • Obtain and maintain Protective Services Registry clearances from Adult Protective Services (APS) Central Registry and Child Welfare Services (CWS) Central Registry
  • Obtain and maintain a TB Clearance

Arc of Hilo Volunteer Application

For more information on becoming a volunteer, e-mail or call 808-935-8534.